Atam-vichar – Self-Inquiry (verses 407-413) :

407. The wise have observed that the superimposition is identical with its substratum—just like the rope and the snake. The distinction exists only due to delusion.

408. The apparent universe has its root in the mind and cannot exist in the absence of the mind. Therefore, concentrate the mind by fixing it on Supreme Self, the inmost principle.

409. Through Samadhi, the wise realize the infinite Brahman in the heart as something (inexplicable) of the essence of eternal Knowledge and complete Bliss, which is unparalleled, which is beyond all limitations, which is ever free, which has no activity and which is indivisible and absolute like the limitless sky.

410. Through Samadhi, the wise realize the infinite Brahman in the heart, as devoid of cause and effect, as the Reality beyond all imagination, as homogenous, beyond all compares and proofs, established by the declarations of the scriptures as eternally self-established.

411.  Through Samadhi, the wise realize the infinite Brahman in the heart as undecaying and immortal, as the positive Entity beyond all negations, like a calm ocean, which has no name, in which there are neither merits nor demerits, eternal, tranquil and One.

412. With a concentrated mind, in Samadhi, realize your own self, the Self of infinite splendour. Cut off your bondage which has been strengthened by the impressions of previous births and successfully strive to fulfill your human birth.

413. Meditate upon that Atman which is your Self, which is beyond all limitations, which is Existence-Knowledge-Bliss-Absolute and Non-dual. Never again will you come under the sway of births and deaths.


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