Description of ānandamaya kośa and its negation (verses 207-210)

Description of ānandamaya kośa and its negation (verses 207-210):


207. The Anandamaya-kosa (bliss-sheath), is that modification of nescience which appears as a reflection of the Self, which is Bliss Absolute. Pleasure etc. are its attributes and it springs into view when an object agreeable to it presents itself. The fortunate feel it spontaneously when the fruits of their good actions manifest. Everything, without the least effort, derives great joy from it.

208. The bliss sheath (anandamaya-kosa) is fully manifest in the deep-sleep state. While in the dream and waking states it is only partially manifest depending upon the sight of desired objects etc.

209. Nor can the bliss sheath (anandamaya-kosa) be the Supreme Self because it has attributes which are ever-changing. It is a modification of primordial nature (Prakriti), is an effect of good actions of the past, and it lies embedded in the other sheaths which are themselves all modifications.

210. When the five sheaths have been negated through reasoning based upon authoritative scriptural texts, then at the culmination of the process what remains as substratum, is the Witness, Knowledge-Absolute"the Self."


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