Verses: 301 to 309.

301. The ego is that which has been produced by the intellect thoroughly deluded by ignorance. It is is perceived in this body as: ―I am so-and-so.‖ When this delusion (ego-sense) is totally annihilated, one attains the unobstructed identity with Brahman.

302. The treasure of the Bliss-of-Brahman is enwrapped by the mighty and dreadful serpent of the ego-sense and zealously guarded for its own use, by its three fierce hoods, the three gunas. The wise person who destroys it by severing its three heads with the great shining sword of Realisation, in accordance with the teachings of the scriptures, alone can enjoy this treasure which brings Bliss.

303. As long as there is even a trace of poison left in the body, how can one hope for complete recovery? Even so, the yogi cannot attain liberation as long as a trace of egoism remains.

304. By the complete cessation of the ego-sense, gained by restraining the diverse mental waves, created by the ego itself and through the discrimination of the inmost Self, one experiences the Reality as "I am This."

305. Renounce immediately your identification with the ego-sense, the"sense of doership"  which, being a modification, is merely a "reflection"   of the Self. It detracts you from being established in the Self. Identifying yourself with this (false sense), you
reached this embodied existence, full of miseries of birth, decay and death—although you essentially are the Witness, the Essence of Knowledge-Bliss-Absolute.

306. But for your identification with the ego-sense there cannot be any transmigration for you, who are Immutable and eternally the same Knowledge-Absolute, omnipresent, of unsullied glory, and Bliss-Absolute.

307. Therefore, with the great sword of Realisation, destroying this ego-sense, your enemy---which is like a thorn in the throat of aman who is eating---enjoy directly and freely the Bliss of Your own Sovereignty, the Majesty of the Self.

308. Checking the activities of the ego and renouncing all attachments, through the experience of the Supreme Reality, be free from duality through the enjoyment of the Bliss of the Self and remain serene in Brahman. For, now you have realized your Infinite Self.

309. Even though completely rooted out, this terrible ego-sense, if allowed to be revived in the mind even for a moment, returns to life and creates hundreds of distractions, like a cloud ushered in by the wind during the rainy season.


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