The science of reality – its benefits (verses 419-425):

419. The perfected Yogi who is liberated-while-living, gets this as a result—in himself he enjoys the Bliss Eternal, both within and without.

420. The reward of dispassion is Knowledge, that knowledge is withdrawal from sense pleasures. The reward of this withdrawal is the peace arising from the experience of one‘s own Blissful Self.

421. When there are no succeeding stages, the preceding ones are useless. (In a perfect series), automatic cessation of the objective world, supreme satisfaction and unequalled Bliss will follow naturally.

422. The result of Knowledge is indifference towards worldly sorrows, How can he, who performs blameworthy deeds in delusion, perform them again when he possesses right discrimination?

423. Turning away from the unreal should be the result of Knowledge; attachment to the unreal is the result of ignorance. Such is seen to be the case of one who knows a mirage etc., and one who does not. Else, what other tangible result do the knowers-of-Reality gain?

424. When the knots of ignorance in the heart have been totally destroyed, what natural cause can prompt a person who is averse to sense-pleasures, to ego-centric actions?

425. The culmination of dispassion is when the sense-objects do not excite any more desires. Supreme perfection of Knowledge is when there is no egoistic feeling. The peak of self-withdrawal is reached when the thoughts which have been merged manifest no more.


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